follow your curiosity
follow your curiosity
Today’s a great day to wander down a new learning path.
Explore the latest from the NeuroKind blog, below!
The Top 3 Professional Skills to Cultivate and Hire For
After years of leadership/executive coaching - as well as being hired to vet potential candidates for clients and companies - these are the top skills I’ve learned to prioritize in both my own professional development and when interviewing others…
Why professional credibility has to come from within (and why brand-borrowing isn't an effective shortcut)
The kind of credibility that will genuinely further your career has to come from the inside out. Brand-borrowing your credibility without addressing your underlying confidence issues or skill gaps will, in the long term, compromise your confidence and decrease your chance of reaching your goal. Read more to learn what brand-borrowing is, the right way to use it, and three questions that will help you build earned credibility.
Fear-Based Leadership Doesn’t Work: Why Not, and What To Do About It
Fear-based leadership is massively prevalent across the corporate world, particularly following the twin stressors of a global pandemic and a struggling economy. In fact, “a large portion of American workers—56 percent—claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic, while 75 percent say dealing with their manager is the most stressful part of their workday” (Source). This article is for anyone who is struggling to navigate (or stop using) fear-based leadership. It includes: the two real-world scenarios that inspired this piece, what fear-based leadership looks like, why it doesn’t work, and practical strategies to combat it.
Ditch the Pitch: Build Lasting Relationships that Deliver Impact
Networking doesn’t have to be so loathesome. The question is: how do you help people quickly understanding your business or product in a way that encourages them to engage? Many people believe the first step is developing an elevator pitch. I don’t agree, and here’s why…
How to prepare for a successful interview - Step 1
Learn about the first step to preparing for a successful interview, PLUS download a FREE, simple and comprehensive TOOL you can use to set yourself up for a success by making sure you can comfortably, confidently, and directly respond to any experience, skill, knowledge or trait question your interviewer throws your way.
Presence + the Power of Positive Body Language
Have you ever noticed how you carry yourself throughout the day? Whether you're standing, sitting, walking, or talking, your body language sends out a tremendous amount of information - both to your own brain and to other people. Guest Coach Jessica Trainor investigates ways womxn can level up their confidence and take control of a room in this discussion on positive body language.
#LikeABoss: Gaby Abrams on Becoming a Successful Mompreneur
Welcome to our second #LikeABoss feature, celebrating those who go after their "why" and win! Today, we're particularly excited to introduce you to NeuroKind client Gaby Abrams, founder (and lead designer) of Casa Confetti Design Studio. Gaby is a lawyer-turned-mompreneur, and she knows how to #WomxnUp like a boss!