follow your curiosity
follow your curiosity
Today’s a great day to wander down a new learning path.
Explore the latest from the NeuroKind blog, below!
The Uniquely Neurodivergent Challenge of Understanding People’s Emotions
If you’re a neurodivergent, “2e” type of human, trying to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” can be a complicated proposition. You are more likely than a neurotypical person to ascribe a more complex motivation to someone’s actions or behaviors than is actually present. You’re also more inclined towards Negative Intent Attribution - meaning you’re more likely to attribute more negative and less positive intent to peers. Keep reading to learn more about how “thinking differently” can cause us to misidentify others’ motivations, and how we can work with our brains to cultivate emotionally-healthy communication and connection.
How to prepare for a successful interview - Step 1
Learn about the first step to preparing for a successful interview, PLUS download a FREE, simple and comprehensive TOOL you can use to set yourself up for a success by making sure you can comfortably, confidently, and directly respond to any experience, skill, knowledge or trait question your interviewer throws your way.
Presence + the Power of Positive Body Language
Have you ever noticed how you carry yourself throughout the day? Whether you're standing, sitting, walking, or talking, your body language sends out a tremendous amount of information - both to your own brain and to other people. Guest Coach Jessica Trainor investigates ways womxn can level up their confidence and take control of a room in this discussion on positive body language.