follow your curiosity

follow your curiosity

Today’s a great day to wander down a new learning path.

Explore the latest from the NeuroKind blog, below!

Self-Compassion is not the same thing as making excuses

Self-compassion ≠ making excuses. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept. Instead, self-compassion is what allows us to get enough perspective to accurately identify the problem. This matters because correctly identifying a problem is the only real chance you have of solving that problem. Read more for an excellent example of what this looks like, and why self-compassion is so critical to our ability to make meaningful progress in any area of our lives.

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The Top 3 Professional Skills to Cultivate and Hire For

After years of leadership/executive coaching - as well as being hired to vet potential candidates for clients and companies - these are the top skills I’ve learned to prioritize in both my own professional development and when interviewing others…

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Fear-Based Leadership Doesn’t Work: Why Not, and What To Do About It

Fear-based leadership is massively prevalent across the corporate world, particularly following the twin stressors of a global pandemic and a struggling economy. In fact, “a large portion of American workers—56 percent—claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic, while 75 percent say dealing with their manager is the most stressful part of their workday” (Source). This article is for anyone who is struggling to navigate (or stop using) fear-based leadership. It includes: the two real-world scenarios that inspired this piece, what fear-based leadership looks like, why it doesn’t work, and practical strategies to combat it. 

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