follow your curiosity
follow your curiosity
Today’s a great day to wander down a new learning path.
Explore the latest from the NeuroKind blog, below!
Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care
This is the best language I’ve ever found to distinguish between what I talk about as “feel good/turning off” activities and “feel good about yourself/battery-charging” activities: self-soothing vs. self-care - including that both activity types can only truly exist in the context of community and structural care. Check it out!
Your Brain on Quarantine (and why you’re not getting anything done)
Ok, listen up with all that "I'm not getting enough done. I'm not writing that novel. I haven't worked out at home 8 days a week. I'm FAILING QUARANTINE" NONSENSE.
The state of your brain determines what you are capable of accomplishing on a basic, biological level. And right now there are several things happening on a BIOLOGICAL LEVEL that are fucking your brain up.