NeuroKind Academy
Learn how to elevate your cognitive capacity, develop your emotional intelligence, manage challenging emotions, regain critical bandwidth, unlock brain-based success, and create a life that feels good.
Explore the lab in detail, below, or click the button below to register for as little as $59/month for 3 months!
You’ll learn…
Led by NeuroKind founder, Colleen Companioni, this interactive lab gives you the foundational education and skills needed to access your thinking brain, improve your emotional intelligence, regulate your way to success and satisfaction, and dive confidently into any of NeuroKind Academy’s other Labs.
In this lab, you will learn:
How brains make decisions, and the implications for goal-setting
The top 2 predictors of success + satisfaction(research-backed)
The roles of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and limbic system
Why we procrastinate (and what to do about it)
How we’re wired for belonging
The biological purpose of emotions
The connection between success, happiness, and Emotional Intelligence, and so much more (explore the course outline below to dive deeper!)
+ walk away with…
A better understanding of how your brain works
A brain-based vision for your near future that your brain can get behind
Improved self-awareness
Greater ability to regulate your emotions and get yourself out of threat state
Heightened social-emotional intelligence (ability to read the room and constructively influence how others feel)
An EQ Toolkit full of practical tips, concrete exercises, and other growthful resources
The tools to continue elevating your cognitive functionality, giving you more ability to access the executive functions needed to create a life that feels good
Lab 1: Unleash Your Mind
Led by NeuroKind founder, Colleen Companioni, this interactive lab gives you the foundational education and skills needed to access your thinking brain, improve your emotional intelligence, regulate your way to success and satisfaction, and dive confidently into any of NeuroKind Academy’s other Labs.
Chapter 1: Harnessing the power of our brains to shape lives that genuinely feel good
Lesson 1: How do our brains decide "what feels good"?
At our core, the thing we all want more than anything else is a life that feels good to inhabit - not just in the moments of accomplishment or celebration - but on a daily basis. So how do we get our brains on board?
Lesson 2: Tapping into your Desired Future Experience
If you want a life that feels good to YOU, on your terms, you need to start by defining your (brain-based) destination. Not what you want to own or accomplish, but how you want to FEEL. This is what we call your Desired Future Experience Goal.
Chapter 2: The top 2 predictors of professional success and personal satisfaction
Introduction: The top 2 predictors of professional success + personal satisfaction
What predicts our ability to cultivate our Desired Future Experience?
Current research points to these two predictors of professional success and personal fulfillment:
your ability to access your prefrontal cortex (PFC); and
your ability to cultivate meaningful relationships.
Lesson 1: Your ability to access your prefrontal cortex (PFC)
Your Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) is the seat of your Executive Functions: the group of complex mental processes and cognitive abilities (such as working memory, impulse inhibition, and reasoning) that control the skills (such as organizing tasks, remembering details, managing time, and solving problems) required for goal-directed behavior.
Lesson 2: Your ability to cultivate meaningful relationships
Our brains thrive when we feel connected and secure in our social placement. In fact, the quality of your relationships not only impacts your biological wellness but is highly correlated with both personal satisfaction and professional success. Secure connection is also the most direct way to address and overcome shame, our biggest obstacle to emotional regulation and therefore PFC access.
Chapter 3: The path to higher cognitive functionality and deeper connection
Lesson 1: The connection between the top 2 "feel-good" factors and Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
The skills you need to access your prefrontal cortex and cultivate healthy, meaningful relationships directly mirror the two skill sets associated with Emotional Intelligence.
Lesson 2: How does Internal Emotional Intelligence support PFC access?
Your level of Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) access is highly correlated with Internal Emotional Intelligence (IEQ), or your ability to notice, identify, and regulate your own emotions.
Lesson 3: How does External Emotional Intelligence support meaningful connection?
Your ability to cultivate authentic, meaningful relationships is highly correlated with both Internal *and* External Emotional Intelligence (EEQ), or your ability to notice, identify, and influence the emotions of others.
Chapter 4: Developing a new relationship with emotions
Lesson 1: Assessing your current relationship with emotions
The first step in growing your EQ (Emotional Intelligence) in order to experience higher cognitive functionality and deeper connection.
Lesson 2: Start shifting your relationship with emotions
Want to be in the driver’s seat of your life? Start by shifting your relationship with emotions from “something outside your influence that happens TO you” to, “communication from your body designed to help you.”
Lesson 3: The biological purpose of emotions
Understanding the biological “why” behind our emotions helps us shift our relationship to feelings, develop our EQ, and employ emotional strategies to create a life that feels good.
Chapter 5: Practical Tools + Tips to Grow your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Lesson 1: Improving Self-Awareness
Upskilling your Internal EQ will improve your cognitive functionality by giving you more access to your Prefrontal Cortex (PFC), and position you for the sustainable regulation needed to cultivate healthy, meaningful relationships with others.
Experiment with these tips, tools, and activities to improve your ability to notice, name, and - most importantly - regulate your own emotions.
Lesson 2: Learning to regulate your emotions
Emotional Regulation is a superpower that allows you shift from a destructive mental-emotional state to a constructive mental-emotional state. A constructive emotional state allows you to access higher cognitive and executive functions needed to reach personal satisfaction and professional success.
Lesson 3: Elevating your social-emotional intelligence
Upskilling your External EQ will help you better understand, connect with, and collaborate with others - skills required to cultivate both authentic personal relationships and meaningful professional relationships.
Experiment with these tips, tools, and activities to improve your ability to notice, identify, and influence the emotions of others.
Meet your NeuroLearning Leader
Meet your NeuroLearning Leader ✳
Colleen Companioni
Colleen is the friendly weirdo at NeuroKind’s helm - a neurodivergent coach for unconventional humans, corporate NeuroTrainer, and NeuroLearning leader. She founded NeuroKind in 2015 with a two-part mission: (1) to bring ethical, executive-level, neuroscience-informed coaching to historically disenfranchised individuals, and (2) to facilitate human connection through applied neuroscience education that helps us understand how we all work.
Through her work, she aims to help shape an equitable world where the truth of our diversity is reflected in our power structures, where rights are inalienable, differences are valued and accommodated, and creativity, innovation and connection can flourish. She believes in a future where all humans are thriving, not just striving and surviving.
Register today, and get ready to take the next step in your neuro-evolution!
Let’s brain together!
Course FAQ
Once you purchase the course, it's yours for life! Each lab workbook includes the full presentation deck, and we want you to be able to reference the research and practice the brain-based tools whenever you need - whether that's tomorrow or five years down the line!
Nope! Once you buy it, it's yours for life. At NeuroKind, we're all about flexibility and accessibility. So feel free to engage with this course in whatever way - and on whatever timeline - works best for you!
Colleen will reach out to you directly within 24 hours of your original purchase to explore what topics you'd like to address in your custom workshop, and to get it in the books!
Hate waiting? Feel free to reach out to her directly at colleen@neurokind.com!
No problem! Just make note of your questions, and bring them to the open Q&A session that Colleen hosts on Zoom each month (you'll get a monthly invite via email with all the login information). Everyone gets at least 6 months access to this NeuroKind Academy-exclusive session, to ensure you always get the support you need to bring this transformative work to life!